Contact the Board

Board Contact Information

NEW PHONE: (775) 433-1700 | NEW FAX: (775) 433-1705 | EMAIL:

    Dispensing Opticians Board mailing and physical addresses
    Mailing Address  
    (Please send all letters and packages to this address)
    Physical Address  
    (Please visit us here)
    Nevada Board of Dispensing Opticians
    4790 Caughlin Pkwy. #241
    Reno, NV 89519-0907 
    Caughlin Ranch Professional Complex
    4747 Caughlin Pkwy, Unit 2
    Reno, NV 89519

      Get Driving Directions to Our New Location

        Mailing List of Currently Licensed Opticians

        A mailing list of currently licensed ophthalmic dispensers is available for a $25 fee.  Please contact the board office for details.

          Consumer Complaints

          If you believe a licensed ophthalmic dispenser or other person/entity has engaged in behavior that violates Nevada dispensing law, you may file a complaint with the board office.

          A complaint must be made in writing and signed by the complainant in order for the board to take action. Please note, while all complaints remain confidential until the board takes formal action, the person or business named in the complaint will be notified.

            If you have any questions regarding the laws and regulations pertaining to ophthalmic dispensing in Nevada, please review NRS 637, NAC 637, our FAQs page, or contact the board office.